I’m currently in my last block of my third year of medical school (peri-operative block). The past few weeks have just been a blur of coffee-fueled study sessions and attending lectures / theatres / clinics etc. I have exactly 32 days left until my exams start, and the panic has just started to settle in. Eek.
I just wanted to quickly write what a typical day in my life is like during this exam season.
The time I wake up depends on what time the first thing on my timetable starts. If it’s a morning ward work or theatre session, I have to get to hospital by 8 am. Other morning sessions usually start at 9 am.
I usually have a cup of black coffee and a protein bar for breakfast nowadays. If I have nothing on the timetable in the morning, then I would study at home.
As my timetable varies from day to day, I will either attend whatever is on my timetable or go home and study. I like to eat at the hospital canteen for lunch because it’s pretty affordable and tastes okay. I haven’t been meal prepping much because I’d rather spend my time studying than cooking large portions of food.
Other than studying (again), I hit the gym 2-3 times a week in the evening. If I don’t go gym, then I would go to the library with my partner to study. I find it difficult to stay focused at home, and I am just ten times more productive when I’m in a library or a cafe.
Take a wild guess what I do on the weekends during this exam season. Yep, that’s right - study more. I feel like no matter how much I study, I never feel prepared for exams. It’s a bit disheartening, really. There’s so much to cover in medicine that it can be pretty overwhelming at times.
Occasionally, on the weekends, my partner and I drive to another town/city to study, just for a change of scenery. I enjoy those days very much because we also get to try out delicious foods at restaurants we haven’t been to before.
My exams are coming up in a month, ahh. Wish me luck!
What does a day in your life look like?
With love,