“Create the life you can’t wait to wake up to.”
This was a quote I saw on Instagram a few days ago, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The past few months, I haven’t been feeling great. To be more specific, I dread waking up each day. I’m not creating a life that I want to live in I suppose, and I want to change that.
So why haven’t I been feeling great? Here are a few reasons:
Each morning when my alarm goes off, I wake up but I take way too long to get out of bed. I procrastinate from getting out of bed because I don’t want to start my day. I just want to keep sleeping. When I wake up, my body just goes “ughhh”. I sleep more than enough at night, and I still take naps during the day sometimes. This reduces my productivity significantly.
I haven’t been working out as much as I used to and that probably is the reason why I’ve been feeling sluggish all day.
My diet has been kinda off. I’ve been eating a bit too much of food deliveries and snacks and not enough of homemade, healthy meals. This (along with the inadequate exercise) led me to gain a bit of weight which then affected my self-confidence.
Medical school is hard for me. Like really hard. There is so much information to study. So much to learn. So many difficult concepts to understand. It really is overwhelming, and it’s taking a toll on my mental health.
This is why that quote sparked something inside of me. Why do I have to keep living like this? I want to be able to wake up feeling eager to start my day. I want to get out of bed right away without having this sense of dread. I want to feel alive. To do this, I need some discipline and a sprinkle of positive mindset added to my life.
I guess the point of me writing this blog post is that I can look back on this entry some time in the future and see how much I’ve improved in terms of my daily emotions and thoughts (hopefully). I hope to change the way I live so that I can “create a life I can’t wait to wake up to”.
With love,